(855) 202-5141 [email protected] Matteson, IL. USA
GMB Listing management

How Do I rank locally on Google?

It is a fact that it is not easy to rank locally on Google – even globally. However, there are certain steps that could guarantee you a spot on Google in the local terrain.

Ways to Get Your Local Business Ranking on Page One of Google Fast

Steal your competitors’ keywords

Those who rank high locally on Google use certain keywords to get to the top spot. You should know your competitor who ranks high. When you know the keywords they have been using, then you are on the right track. You should start creating content to compete with your competitors that rank high. Simply, If you have a competitor who’s ranking on page one, it’s easy to find out what keywords they’re ranking for and then take those keywords for yourself. An advantage here is that you get to spend less time doing keyword research.

Get in the local pack

You should get to the local park of your business. For instance, if your business is based in Hammond Indiana, you should know the leaders of your industry is within your area. You can do this by creating your Google My Business profile and initiating citation. Sometimes, you may be lucky to find your self in the top three GMB profiles for a specific keyword. There are different business owners in your locality, so you may not know your competitor. However, there is a sure way to know this. Use the power of keywords to know the local 3 in your locality. For instance, use a keyword like, ‘restaurants in Illinois’. If you run a restaurant business, it would be of great benefit to you to do this. You will know your competitors and even model your marketing campaign after theirs.

Make sure your site is mobile friendly

Mobile friendly refers to a site that displays accurately between your desktop/laptop computer and a mobile device such as a handheld phone (iPhone, Android, Blackberry) or tablets (iPad, Kindle, Galaxy, etc.) Most importantly, you must consider trusting your website with capable hands. This is because your website must be mobile-friendly. According to experts, Google has a way of favouring website with mobile-friendliness. As a matter of fact, your website must be able to fit onto any browser and screen size. You must not underrate the power of mobile-friendly website, because it is easy to navigate and tends to keep visitors on a website. Remember that we use mobile more than desktop. So, you should ensure your website performs well on every screen.

Organically include your location in your URL

As a matter of fact, it has been discovered that for local searches, Google prefers domains that include location names in the URL. Your URL can do the trick for you to rank locally. All you need to do is add your location to your URL. If you have a URL that doesn’t include your location, consider replacing it. A domain name is only a few bucks, and it could help you rank higher. When you include location, it basically illustrates your business is located in the area specified. In addition, this will also trigger clicks for you when potential clients in your location visit Google

Write high-quality, long-form content

You should consider creating long-form and high-quality content. They end up with more share and likes. It is very important to create quality content that explains concept and guide readers. These kinds of contents allow visitors to stay glued to your website. Some experts have argued that long-form contents may turn visitors off. This may be true, but not entirely. If you are creating an expository article, you need to explain concepts. So, such article may be long, but not too long since the reader is not reading to pass an exam. In fact, they would love to grab contents and exhaust them in a few minutes.

Website Design Agency

We are not only web design specialists. GBN is also capable of digital marketing and managing your social media pages.  We are much more. To round up, we are easily accessible. As a matter of fact, you can reach us by clicking here. Our reputation has given us 4.8/5 stars on Google reviews. Read our reviews. GBN is based out of Matteson, IL. But we service companies all across the United States at an affordable rate.